Taking a shower or washing the dishes with low water pressure is a frustrating experience. The lack of water pressure from the faucet, the garden hose, or the shower can really put a damper on everyday chores and activities at home. Ignoring the problem can only lead to more water flow issues and of course increased frustrations.
Calling the residential plumbing, Los Angeles, California professionals is the best way to remedy the problem, but knowing the cause will help you avoid future low water pressure issues. These are the most common causes of low water pressure in residential homes:
1: Old Fixtures
Homes with showerheads and faucets that date back to more than 20 years may be experiencing low water pressure because of the fixtures themselves. It may be time to replace these old fixtures, especially if more than one is starting to act up.
2: Clogs
Dirty and lime build-up can clog up the pipes and fixtures which will lead to a loss in water pressure. They can easily be cleaned or unclogged by the residential plumbing, Los Angeles, California experts in just a few minutes. Once everything is clean and unclogged water pressure should be back to normal again.
3: Water Heater
Use both the hot and cold options to see if water pressure is the same. If only the hot water is affected this could indicate trouble with the water heater, or the tank is just running low.
4: Aerator Screen
In cases where only one faucet or shower has low water pressure, the problem can be due to a clogged aerator screen. Simply remove the screen and see if the water pressure returns to normal if it does then the screen was the problem. Soak the screen in a vinegar solution to dissolve all the minerals that have built up.
5: Pressure Reducing Valves (PRV)
If all of the faucets and showers have low water pressure, the culprit can be the PRV. This is located outside of the house as it is connected to the main water line. Try to increase or decrease the pressure to see if it makes any difference. If not, professional help may be required to replace any faulty valves.
6: Leaks
A water line or pipe leak will affect the overall water pressure inside the house. Sometimes the leak can be hidden because it is underground which makes them difficult to spot. Homeowners who suspect a leak should call for a plumber right away as leaks can result in a lot of damage when left unchecked for too long.
7: Water Shut Off Valve
Small movements can result in the water shut off valve to close which will affect the water pressure. Check on the valve if it is closed, if it is, turn it back on and check the water pressure again. If this does not resolve the problem, there might be something more serious causing the lack of water pressure than requires the services of a licensed plumber in California.
Team Rooter can help you solve all your residential plumbing, Los Angeles, California issues. We have a team of experts who can do the smallest to the most complicated plumbing work you can think of. Contact us today!