Why And How To Use A Water Pressure Gauge?

Home Improvement

In plumbing, water pressure is very important information. Indeed, it is an indicator of the good functioning of your distribution network. If you don’t have enough pressure or, on the contrary, if you notice too much pressure in your sanitary installations (especially your boiler), the first thing to do is to check the water pressure as suggested by belimo actuators

For this, the ideal is to equip yourself with a manometer, a measuring device to be connected to the network, which will allow you a direct reading of the water pressure.

What Is A Water Pressure Gauge Used For?

The manometer is a measuring device commonly used in plumbing, both in sanitary and heating installations. If it is also important, it is because it allows us to know precisely the water pressure in the pipes. 

Expressed in bars (sometimes in PSI), the water pressure reflects the proper functioning or not of your distribution network. Thus, the value must never exceed 3 bars at the outlet of the meter.

Too low or too high a pressure can have negative consequences on the entire water circuit and affect the proper use of your devices.

How To Use A Manometer?

By calculating the water pressure and transcribing it directly on its dial, the manometer allows you to easily, quickly and in real-time detect water pressure problems: If the pressure gauge detects a water pressure of fewer than 3 bars, it means that the pressure of the water entering your pipes is not sufficient. It may then be useful to install a booster; Conversely, if the manometer measures a water pressure greater than 3 bars, it is advisable to install a pressure reducer at the head of your water installation.

You now understand the usefulness of a pressure gauge. All you have to do is choose the right pressure gauge for your distribution network.

Which Water Pressure Gauge To Choose?

There are generally two types of manometer: the dry dial manometer and the glycerin bath manometer.

The dry-dial manometer, with axial or radial connection, is the most widely used today. It is ideal for home use where vibrations and pressure peaks are rare. Dry manometers also have the advantage of being cheaper to buy than glycerin bath manometers.

The Liquid Manometer (In Glycerine Bath)

In a liquid manometer, on the other hand, the device is filled with glycerin. This substance helps to dampen the vibrations of the needle. This type of pressure gauge is recommended in very cold regions and humid environments. The glycerin bath pressure gauge is more suitable for industrial use where vibrations and pressure peaks are important. Thanks to the glycerin, it is possible to easily and accurately read the water pressure.

Note that, whatever the type of manometer chosen, the connection is always made in 1/4 “(8/13).